Sown consolida mauve which has been in the freezer since last Saturday. As much as I could manage under a lamp, now my fingers are crossed for successful germination!

Salvia fabinacea Victoria sown last weekend in a tray and left in a warm spot in the kitchen started germinating by mid week, what excellent stuff! Now pushing on up on the windowsill.

The kale (‘Redbor’ and ‘Nero di Toscana’) sown last weekend also germinated within days with 100% success. It is in the greenhouse, in a trial batch of coir jiffy pockets. I will have to sow some more, as it will be grown for decoration rather than for eating.

Everything else is also germinating (ammi, dill, antirrhinum, etc) in the greenhouse. And the chilli (‘Corno di Toro’ and ‘Large Red Cherry’, latter for stuffing with cream cheese) came up by the Aga this week; they really like it hot and refused to do anything for over 3 weeks on the windowsill!